Beautiful artwork – talented sketch artists on the streets of Rome

Beautiful artwork for purchase on the streets Rome,
prints galore and not overly cheap yet stunning all the same.
Choose from a large selection to scroll up and take home to frame, some of them are really incredible!
Or have your portrait sketched like a movie star..
Make sure to be selective in choosing your sketch artist, they are not all to everyones taste yet each have their own individual style.  All are extremely talented.  I sat for my portrait seven years ago in Rome, I have since tried to find the same artist to have another comparison sketched done years on yet I have been unlucky in finding him.  I am not someone who likes myself in photos and in my opinion my chosen artist was extremely complimentary.
Its all about choosing the right artist and its a small price to pay for fun lifetime memories!
Melissa – Founder of Italian Allure Travel